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Serialize and Deserialize in JSON format.

  2Serialize and Deserialize in JSON format.
  5from typing import Any, AnyStr, overload, Optional, Union
  7from .compat import T
  8from .de import Deserializer, from_dict
  9from .se import Serializer, to_dict
 10from .numpy import encode_numpy
 12try:  # pragma: no cover
 13    import orjson
 15    def json_dumps(obj: Any, **opts: Any) -> str:
 16        if "option" not in opts:
 17            opts["option"] = orjson.OPT_SERIALIZE_NUMPY
 18        return orjson.dumps(obj, **opts).decode()  # type: ignore
 20    def json_loads(s: Union[str, bytes], **opts: Any) -> Any:
 21        return orjson.loads(s, **opts)
 23except ImportError:
 24    import json
 26    def json_dumps(obj: Any, **opts: Any) -> str:
 27        if "default" not in opts:
 28            opts["default"] = encode_numpy
 29        # compact output
 30        ensure_ascii = opts.pop("ensure_ascii", False)
 31        separators = opts.pop("separators", (",", ":"))
 32        return json.dumps(obj, ensure_ascii=ensure_ascii, separators=separators, **opts)
 34    def json_loads(s: Union[str, bytes], **opts: Any) -> Any:
 35        return json.loads(s, **opts)
 38__all__ = ["from_json", "to_json"]
 41class JsonSerializer(Serializer[str]):
 42    @classmethod
 43    def serialize(cls, obj: Any, **opts: Any) -> str:
 44        return json_dumps(obj, **opts)
 47class JsonDeserializer(Deserializer[AnyStr]):
 48    @classmethod
 49    def deserialize(cls, data: AnyStr, **opts: Any) -> Any:
 50        return json_loads(data, **opts)
 53def to_json(
 54    obj: Any,
 55    cls: Optional[Any] = None,
 56    se: type[Serializer[str]] = JsonSerializer,
 57    reuse_instances: bool = False,
 58    convert_sets: bool = True,
 59    **opts: Any,
 60) -> str:
 61    """
 62    Serialize the object into JSON str. [orjson](https://github.com/ijl/orjson)
 63    will be used if installed.
 65    You can pass any serializable `obj`. If you supply other keyword arguments,
 66    they will be passed in `dumps` function.
 67    By default, numpy objects are serialized, this behaviour can be customized with the `option`
 68    argument with [orjson](https://github.com/ijl/orjson#numpy), or the `default` argument with
 69    Python standard json library.
 71    If you want to use another json package, you can subclass `JsonSerializer` and implement
 72    your own logic.
 73    """
 74    return se.serialize(
 75        to_dict(obj, c=cls, reuse_instances=reuse_instances, convert_sets=convert_sets), **opts
 76    )
 80def from_json(
 81    c: type[T], s: AnyStr, de: type[Deserializer[AnyStr]] = JsonDeserializer, **opts: Any
 82) -> T: ...
 85# For Union, Optional etc.
 87def from_json(
 88    c: Any, s: AnyStr, de: type[Deserializer[AnyStr]] = JsonDeserializer, **opts: Any
 89) -> Any: ...
 92def from_json(
 93    c: Any, s: AnyStr, de: type[Deserializer[AnyStr]] = JsonDeserializer, **opts: Any
 94) -> Any:
 95    """
 96    Deserialize from JSON into the object. [orjson](https://github.com/ijl/orjson) will be used
 97    if installed.
 99    `c` is a class obejct and `s` is JSON bytes or str. If you supply other keyword arguments,
100    they will be passed in `loads` function.
102    If you want to use another json package, you can subclass `JsonDeserializer` and implement
103    your own logic.
104    """
105    return from_dict(c, de.deserialize(s, **opts), reuse_instances=False)
def from_json( c: Any, s: ~AnyStr, de: type[serde.de.Deserializer[~AnyStr]] = <class 'serde.json.JsonDeserializer'>, **opts: Any) -> Any:
 93def from_json(
 94    c: Any, s: AnyStr, de: type[Deserializer[AnyStr]] = JsonDeserializer, **opts: Any
 95) -> Any:
 96    """
 97    Deserialize from JSON into the object. [orjson](https://github.com/ijl/orjson) will be used
 98    if installed.
100    `c` is a class obejct and `s` is JSON bytes or str. If you supply other keyword arguments,
101    they will be passed in `loads` function.
103    If you want to use another json package, you can subclass `JsonDeserializer` and implement
104    your own logic.
105    """
106    return from_dict(c, de.deserialize(s, **opts), reuse_instances=False)

Deserialize from JSON into the object. orjson will be used if installed.

c is a class obejct and s is JSON bytes or str. If you supply other keyword arguments, they will be passed in loads function.

If you want to use another json package, you can subclass JsonDeserializer and implement your own logic.

def to_json( obj: Any, cls: Optional[Any] = None, se: type[serde.se.Serializer[str]] = <class 'serde.json.JsonSerializer'>, reuse_instances: bool = False, convert_sets: bool = True, **opts: Any) -> str:
54def to_json(
55    obj: Any,
56    cls: Optional[Any] = None,
57    se: type[Serializer[str]] = JsonSerializer,
58    reuse_instances: bool = False,
59    convert_sets: bool = True,
60    **opts: Any,
61) -> str:
62    """
63    Serialize the object into JSON str. [orjson](https://github.com/ijl/orjson)
64    will be used if installed.
66    You can pass any serializable `obj`. If you supply other keyword arguments,
67    they will be passed in `dumps` function.
68    By default, numpy objects are serialized, this behaviour can be customized with the `option`
69    argument with [orjson](https://github.com/ijl/orjson#numpy), or the `default` argument with
70    Python standard json library.
72    If you want to use another json package, you can subclass `JsonSerializer` and implement
73    your own logic.
74    """
75    return se.serialize(
76        to_dict(obj, c=cls, reuse_instances=reuse_instances, convert_sets=convert_sets), **opts
77    )

Serialize the object into JSON str. orjson will be used if installed.

You can pass any serializable obj. If you supply other keyword arguments, they will be passed in dumps function. By default, numpy objects are serialized, this behaviour can be customized with the option argument with orjson, or the default argument with Python standard json library.

If you want to use another json package, you can subclass JsonSerializer and implement your own logic.