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Serialize and Deserialize in MsgPack format. This module depends on msgpack package.

  2Serialize and Deserialize in MsgPack format. This module depends on
  3[msgpack](https://pypi.org/project/msgpack/) package.
  6from typing import Any, Optional, overload
  8import msgpack
 10from .compat import T
 11from .compat import SerdeError
 12from .de import Deserializer, from_dict, from_tuple
 13from .numpy import encode_numpy
 14from .se import Serializer, to_dict, to_tuple
 16__all__ = ["from_msgpack", "to_msgpack"]
 19class MsgPackSerializer(Serializer[bytes]):
 20    @classmethod
 21    def serialize(
 22        cls, obj: Any, use_bin_type: bool = True, ext_type_code: Optional[int] = None, **opts: Any
 23    ) -> bytes:
 24        if "default" not in opts:
 25            opts["default"] = encode_numpy
 26        if ext_type_code is not None:
 27            obj_bytes = msgpack.packb(obj, use_bin_type=use_bin_type, **opts)
 28            obj_or_ext = msgpack.ExtType(ext_type_code, obj_bytes)
 29        else:
 30            obj_or_ext = obj
 31        return msgpack.packb(obj_or_ext, use_bin_type=use_bin_type, **opts)
 34class MsgPackDeserializer(Deserializer[bytes]):
 35    @classmethod
 36    def deserialize(
 37        cls, data: bytes, raw: bool = False, use_list: bool = False, **opts: Any
 38    ) -> Any:
 39        return msgpack.unpackb(data, raw=raw, use_list=use_list, **opts)
 42def to_msgpack(
 43    obj: Any,
 44    cls: Optional[Any] = None,
 45    se: type[Serializer[bytes]] = MsgPackSerializer,
 46    named: bool = True,
 47    ext_dict: Optional[dict[type[Any], int]] = None,
 48    reuse_instances: bool = False,
 49    convert_sets: bool = True,
 50    **opts: Any,
 51) -> bytes:
 52    """
 53    Serialize the object into MsgPack.
 55    You can pass any serializable `obj`. If `ext_dict` option is specified, `obj` is encoded
 56    as a `msgpack.ExtType` If you supply other keyword arguments, they will be passed in
 57    `msgpack.packb` function.
 59    * `named`: If `named` is True, field names are preserved, namely the object is encoded as `dict`
 60    then serialized into MsgPack.  If `named` is False, the object is encoded as `tuple` then
 61    serialized into MsgPack. `named=False` will produces compact binary.
 63    * `skip_none`: When set to True, any field in the class with a None value is excluded from the
 64    serialized output. Defaults to False.
 66    If you want to use the other msgpack package, you can subclass `MsgPackSerializer` and
 67    implement your own logic.
 68    """
 69    ext_type_code = None
 70    if ext_dict is not None:
 71        obj_type = type(obj)
 72        ext_type_code = ext_dict.get(obj_type)
 73        if ext_type_code is None:
 74            raise SerdeError(f"Could not find type code for {obj_type.__name__} in ext_dict")
 76    kwargs: Any = {"c": cls, "reuse_instances": reuse_instances, "convert_sets": convert_sets}
 77    dict_or_tuple = to_dict(obj, **kwargs) if named else to_tuple(obj, **kwargs)
 78    return se.serialize(
 79        dict_or_tuple,
 80        ext_type_code=ext_type_code,
 81        **opts,
 82    )
 86def from_msgpack(
 87    c: type[T],
 88    s: bytes,
 89    de: type[Deserializer[bytes]] = MsgPackDeserializer,
 90    named: bool = True,
 91    ext_dict: Optional[dict[int, type[Any]]] = None,
 92    **opts: Any,
 93) -> T: ...
 97def from_msgpack(
 98    c: Any,
 99    s: bytes,
100    de: type[Deserializer[bytes]] = MsgPackDeserializer,
101    named: bool = True,
102    ext_dict: Optional[dict[int, type[Any]]] = None,
103    **opts: Any,
104) -> Any: ...
107def from_msgpack(
108    c: Any,
109    s: bytes,
110    de: type[Deserializer[bytes]] = MsgPackDeserializer,
111    named: bool = True,
112    ext_dict: Optional[dict[int, type[Any]]] = None,
113    skip_none: bool = False,
114    **opts: Any,
115) -> Any:
116    """
117    Deserialize from MsgPack into the object.
119    `c` is a class object and `s` is MsgPack binary. If `ext_dict` option is specified,
120    `c` is ignored and type is inferred from `msgpack.ExtType` If you supply other keyword
121    arguments, they will be passed in `msgpack.unpackb` function.
123    If you want to use the other msgpack package, you can subclass `MsgPackDeserializer`
124    and implement your own logic.
125    """
126    if ext_dict is not None:
127        ext = de.deserialize(s, **opts)
128        ext_type = ext_dict.get(ext.code)
129        if ext_type is None:
130            raise SerdeError(f"Could not find type for code {ext.code} in ext_dict")
131        return from_msgpack(ext_type, ext.data, de, named, **opts)
132    else:
133        from_func = from_dict if named else from_tuple
134        return from_func(c, de.deserialize(s, **opts), reuse_instances=False)
def from_msgpack( c: Any, s: bytes, de: type[serde.de.Deserializer[bytes]] = <class 'serde.msgpack.MsgPackDeserializer'>, named: bool = True, ext_dict: Optional[dict[int, type[Any]]] = None, skip_none: bool = False, **opts: Any) -> Any:
108def from_msgpack(
109    c: Any,
110    s: bytes,
111    de: type[Deserializer[bytes]] = MsgPackDeserializer,
112    named: bool = True,
113    ext_dict: Optional[dict[int, type[Any]]] = None,
114    skip_none: bool = False,
115    **opts: Any,
116) -> Any:
117    """
118    Deserialize from MsgPack into the object.
120    `c` is a class object and `s` is MsgPack binary. If `ext_dict` option is specified,
121    `c` is ignored and type is inferred from `msgpack.ExtType` If you supply other keyword
122    arguments, they will be passed in `msgpack.unpackb` function.
124    If you want to use the other msgpack package, you can subclass `MsgPackDeserializer`
125    and implement your own logic.
126    """
127    if ext_dict is not None:
128        ext = de.deserialize(s, **opts)
129        ext_type = ext_dict.get(ext.code)
130        if ext_type is None:
131            raise SerdeError(f"Could not find type for code {ext.code} in ext_dict")
132        return from_msgpack(ext_type, ext.data, de, named, **opts)
133    else:
134        from_func = from_dict if named else from_tuple
135        return from_func(c, de.deserialize(s, **opts), reuse_instances=False)

Deserialize from MsgPack into the object.

c is a class object and s is MsgPack binary. If ext_dict option is specified, c is ignored and type is inferred from msgpack.ExtType If you supply other keyword arguments, they will be passed in msgpack.unpackb function.

If you want to use the other msgpack package, you can subclass MsgPackDeserializer and implement your own logic.

def to_msgpack( obj: Any, cls: Optional[Any] = None, se: type[serde.se.Serializer[bytes]] = <class 'serde.msgpack.MsgPackSerializer'>, named: bool = True, ext_dict: Optional[dict[type[Any], int]] = None, reuse_instances: bool = False, convert_sets: bool = True, **opts: Any) -> bytes:
43def to_msgpack(
44    obj: Any,
45    cls: Optional[Any] = None,
46    se: type[Serializer[bytes]] = MsgPackSerializer,
47    named: bool = True,
48    ext_dict: Optional[dict[type[Any], int]] = None,
49    reuse_instances: bool = False,
50    convert_sets: bool = True,
51    **opts: Any,
52) -> bytes:
53    """
54    Serialize the object into MsgPack.
56    You can pass any serializable `obj`. If `ext_dict` option is specified, `obj` is encoded
57    as a `msgpack.ExtType` If you supply other keyword arguments, they will be passed in
58    `msgpack.packb` function.
60    * `named`: If `named` is True, field names are preserved, namely the object is encoded as `dict`
61    then serialized into MsgPack.  If `named` is False, the object is encoded as `tuple` then
62    serialized into MsgPack. `named=False` will produces compact binary.
64    * `skip_none`: When set to True, any field in the class with a None value is excluded from the
65    serialized output. Defaults to False.
67    If you want to use the other msgpack package, you can subclass `MsgPackSerializer` and
68    implement your own logic.
69    """
70    ext_type_code = None
71    if ext_dict is not None:
72        obj_type = type(obj)
73        ext_type_code = ext_dict.get(obj_type)
74        if ext_type_code is None:
75            raise SerdeError(f"Could not find type code for {obj_type.__name__} in ext_dict")
77    kwargs: Any = {"c": cls, "reuse_instances": reuse_instances, "convert_sets": convert_sets}
78    dict_or_tuple = to_dict(obj, **kwargs) if named else to_tuple(obj, **kwargs)
79    return se.serialize(
80        dict_or_tuple,
81        ext_type_code=ext_type_code,
82        **opts,
83    )

Serialize the object into MsgPack.

You can pass any serializable obj. If ext_dict option is specified, obj is encoded as a msgpack.ExtType If you supply other keyword arguments, they will be passed in msgpack.packb function.

  • named: If named is True, field names are preserved, namely the object is encoded as dict then serialized into MsgPack. If named is False, the object is encoded as tuple then serialized into MsgPack. named=False will produces compact binary.

  • skip_none: When set to True, any field in the class with a None value is excluded from the serialized output. Defaults to False.

If you want to use the other msgpack package, you can subclass MsgPackSerializer and implement your own logic.