
pyserde is a simple yet powerful serialization library on top of dataclasses. It allows you to convert Python objects to and from JSON, YAML, and other formats easily and efficiently.

Declare your class with @serde decorator and annotate fields using PEP484 as below.

from serde import serde

class Foo:
    i: int
    s: str
    f: float
    b: bool

You can serialize Foo object into JSON.

>>> from serde.json import to_json
>>> to_json(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))

You can deserialize JSON into Foo object.

>>> from serde.json import from_json
>>> from_json(Foo, '{"i": 10, "s": "foo", "f": 100.0, "b": true}')
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

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