
pyserde is a simple yet powerful serialization library on top of dataclasses. It allows you to convert Python objects to and from JSON, YAML, and other formats easily and efficiently.

Declare your class with @serde decorator and annotate fields using PEP484 as below.

from serde import serde

class Foo:
    i: int
    s: str
    f: float
    b: bool

You can serialize Foo object into JSON.

>>> from serde.json import to_json
>>> to_json(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))

You can deserialize JSON into Foo object.

>>> from serde.json import from_json
>>> from_json(Foo, '{"i": 10, "s": "foo", "f": 100.0, "b": true}')
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

Next Steps

Getting started


Install pyserde from PyPI. pyserde requires Python>=3.9.

pip install pyserde

If you're using poetry, run this command.

poetry add pyserde

Additional data formats besides JSON and Pickle need additional dependencies installed. Install msgpack, toml or yaml extras to work with the appropriate data formats; you can skip formats that you don't plan to use. For example, if you want to use Toml and YAML:

pip install "pyserde[toml,yaml]"

With poetry

poetry add pyserde -E toml -E yaml

Or all at once:

pip install "pyserde[all]"

With poetry

poetry add pyserde -E all

Here are the available extras

  • all: Install msgpack, toml, yaml, numpy, orjson, and sqlalchemy extras
  • msgpack: Install msgpack
  • toml: Install tomli and tomli-w
    • NOTE: tomllib is used for python 3.11 onwards
  • yaml: Install pyyaml
  • numpy: Install numpy
  • orjson: Install orjson
  • sqlalchemy: Install sqlalchemy

Define your first pyserde class

Define your class with pyserde's @serde decorators. Be careful that module name is serde, not pyserde. pyserde heavily depends on the standard library's dataclasses module. If you are new to dataclass, I would recommend to read dataclasses documentation first.

from serde import serde

class Foo:
    i: int
    s: str
    f: float
    b: bool

pyserde generates methods necessary for (de)serialization by @serde when a class is loaded into python interpreter. The code generation occurs only once and there is no overhead when you use the class. Now your class is serializable and deserializable in all the data formats supported by pyserde.

NOTE: If you need only either serialization or deserialization functionality, you can use @serialize or @deserialize instead of @serde decorator.

e.g. If you do only serialization, you can use @serialize decorator. But calling deserialize API e.g. from_json for Foo will raise an error.

from serde import serialize

class Foo:
    i: int
    s: str
    f: float
    b: bool

PEP585 and PEP604

PEP585 style annotation is supported for python>=3.9. PEP604 Union operator is also supported for python>=3.10. With PEP585 and PEP604, you can write a pyserde class pretty neatly.

class Foo:
    a: int
    b: list[str]
    c: tuple[int, float, str, bool]
    d: dict[str, list[tuple[str, int]]]
    e: str | None

Use pyserde class

Next, import pyserde (de)serialize APIs. For JSON:

from serde.json import from_json, to_json

Use to_json to serialize the object into JSON.

f = Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

Pass Foo class and JSON string in from_json to deserialize JSON into the object.

s = '{"i": 10, "s": "foo", "f": 100.0, "b": true}'
print(from_json(Foo, s))

That's it! pyserde offers many more features. If you're interested, please read the rest of the documentation.

💡 Tip: which type checker should I use? pyserde depends on PEP681 dataclass_transform. mypy does not fully support dataclass_transform as of Jan. 2024. My personal recommendation is pyright.

Data Formats

pyserde supports several data formats for serialization and deserialization, including dict, tuple, JSON, YAML, TOML, MsgPack, and Pickle. Each API can take additional keyword arguments, which are forwarded to the underlying packages used by pyserde.

e.g. If you want to preserve the field order in YAML, you can pass sort_key=True in serde.yaml.to_yaml

serde.yaml.to_yaml(foo, sort_key=True)

sort_key=True will be passed in the yaml.safedump


>>> from serde import to_dict, from_dict

>>> to_dict(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))
{"i": 10, "s": "foo", "f": 100.0, "b": True}

>>> from_dict(Foo, {"i": 10, "s": "foo", "f": 100.0, "b": True})
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.to_dict / serde.from_dict for more information.


>>> from serde import to_tuple, from_tuple

>>> to_tuple(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))
(10, 'foo', 100.0, True)

>>> from_tuple(Foo, (10, 'foo', 100.0, True))
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.to_tuple / serde.from_tuple for more information.


>>> from serde.json import to_json, from_json

>>> to_json(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))

>>> from_json(Foo, '{"i": 10, "s": "foo", "f": 100.0, "b": true}')
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.json.to_json / serde.json.from_json for more information.


>>> from serde.yaml import from_yaml, to_yaml

>>> to_yaml(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))
b: true
f: 100.0
i: 10
s: foo

>>> from_yaml(Foo, 'b: true\nf: 100.0\ni: 10\ns: foo')
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.yaml.to_yaml / serde.yaml.from_yaml for more information.


>>> from serde.toml import from_toml, to_toml

>>> to_toml(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))
i = 10
s = "foo"
f = 100.0
b = true

>>> from_toml(Foo, 'i = 10\ns = "foo"\nf = 100.0\nb = true')
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.toml.to_toml / serde.toml.from_toml for more information.


>>> from serde.msgpack import from_msgpack, to_msgpack

>>> to_msgpack(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))

>>> from_msgpack(Foo, b'\x84\xa1i\n\xa1s\xa3foo\xa1f\xcb@Y\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xa1b\xc3')
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.msgpack.to_msgpack / serde.msgpack.from_msgpack for more information.


New in v0.9.6

>>> from serde.pickle import from_pickle, to_pickle

>>> to_pickle(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))

>>> from_pickle(Foo, b"\x80\x04\x95'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00}\x94(\x8c\x01i\x94K\n\x8c\x01s\x94\x8c\x03foo\x94\x8c\x01f\x94G@Y\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8c\x01b\x94\x88u.")
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.pickle.to_pickle / serde.pickle.from_pickle for more information.

Needs a new data format support?

We don't plan to supprot a data format such as XML to keep pyserde as simple as possible. If you need a new data format support, we recommend to create a separate python package. If the data format is interchangable to dict or tuple, implementing the serialize/desrialize API is not that difficult. See YAML's implementation to know how to implement.


Here is the list of the supported types. See the simple example for each type in the footnotes

You can write pretty complex class like this:

class bar:
    i: int

class Foo:
    a: int
    b: list[str]
    c: tuple[int, float, str, bool]
    d: dict[str, list[tuple[str, int]]]
    e: str | None
    f: Bar


All of the above (de)serialization methods can transparently handle most numpy types with the "numpy" extras package.

import numpy as np
import numpy.typing as npt

class NPFoo:
    i: np.int32
    j: np.int64
    f: np.float32
    g: np.float64
    h: np.bool_
    u: np.ndarray
    v: npt.NDArray
    w: npt.NDArray[np.int32]
    x: npt.NDArray[np.int64]
    y: npt.NDArray[np.float32]
    z: npt.NDArray[np.float64]

npfoo = NPFoo(
    np.array([1, 2]),
    np.array([3, 4]),
    np.array([np.int32(i) for i in [1, 2]]),
    np.array([np.int64(i) for i in [3, 4]]),
    np.array([np.float32(i) for i in [5.0, 6.0]]),
    np.array([np.float64(i) for i in [7.0, 8.0]]),
>>> from serde.json import to_json, from_json

>>> to_json(npfoo)
'{"i": 1, "j": 2, "f": 3.0, "g": 4.0, "h": false, "u": [1, 2], "v": [3, 4], "w": [1, 2], "x": [3, 4], "y": [5.0, 6.0], "z": [7.0, 8.0]}'

>>> from_json(NPFoo, to_json(npfoo))
NPFoo(i=1, j=2, f=3.0, g=4.0, h=False, u=array([1, 2]), v=array([3, 4]), w=array([1, 2], dtype=int32), x=array([3, 4]), y=array([5., 6.], dtype=float32), z=array([7., 8.]))

SQLAlchemy Declarative Dataclass Mapping (experimental)

While experimental support for SQLAlchemy Declarative Dataclass Mapping integration has been added, certain features such as @serde(type_check=strict) and serde.field() are not currently supported.

It's recommended to exercise caution when relying on experimental features in production environments. It's also advisable to thoroughly test your code and be aware of potential limitations or unexpected behavior.

Needs a new type support?

If you need to use a type which is currently not supported in the standard library, please creat a Github issue to request. For types in third party python packages, unless it's polular like numpy, we don't plan to support it to keep pyserde as simple as possible. We recommend to use custom class or field serializer.



@serde is a wrapper of @serialize and @deserialize decorators.

This code

class Foo:

is equivalent to the following code.

class Foo:

@serde decorator does these for you:

  • Add @serialize and @deserialize decorators to a class
  • Add @dataclass decorator to a class if a class doesn't have @dataclass
  • You can pass both (de)serialize attributes to the decorator
    • serializer attribute is ignored in @deserialize and deserializer attribute is ignored in @serialize
@serde(serializer=serializer, deserializer=deserializer)
class Foo:

NOTE: @serde actually works without @dataclass decorator, because it detects and add @dataclass to the declared class automatically. However, mypy will produce Too many arguments or Unexpected keyword argument error. This is due to the mypy limitation.

class Foo:

But if you use a PEP681 compliant type checker (e.g. pyright), you don't get the type error because pyserde supports PEP681 dataclass_transform


@serialize and @deserialize are used by @serde under the hood. We recommend to use those two decorators in the following cases. Otherwise @serde is recommended.

  • You only need either serialization or deserialization functionality
  • You want to have different class attributes as below
@deserialize(rename_all = "snakecase")
@serialize(rename_all = "camelcase")
class Foo:

(de)serializing class without @serde

pyserde can (de)serialize dataclasses without @serde since v0.10.0. This feature is convenient when you want to use classes declared in external libraries or a type checker doesn't work with @serde decorator. See this example.

How does it work? It's quite simple that pyserde add @serde decorator if a class doesn't has it. It may take for a while for the first API call, but the generated code will be cached internally. So it won't be a problem. See the following example to deserialize a class in a third party package.

class External:

to_dict(External()) # works without @serde

Note that you can't specify class attributes e.g. rename_all in this case. If you want to add a class attribute to an external dataclass, there is a technique to do that by extending dataclass. See this example.

class External:
    some_value: int

class Wrapper(External):

How can I use forward references?

pyserde supports forward references. If you replace a nested class name with with string, pyserde looks up and evaluate the decorator after nested class is defined.

from __future__ import annotations # make sure to import annotations

class Foo:
    i: int
    s: str
    bar: Bar  # Bar can be specified although it's declared afterward.

class Bar:
    f: float
    b: bool

# Evaluate pyserde decorators after `Bar` is defined.

PEP563 Postponed Evaluation of Annotations

pyserde supports PEP563 Postponed evaluation of annotation.

from __future__ import annotations
from serde import serde

class Foo:
    i: int
    s: str
    f: float
    b: bool

    def foo(self, cls: Foo):  # You can use "Foo" type before it's defined.

See examples/ for complete example.

Class Attributes

Class attributes can be specified as arguments in the serialize/deserialize decorators in order to customize the (de)serialization behaviour of the class entirely. If you want to customize a field, please consider using Field Attributes.

Attributes offered by dataclasses


dataclass frozen class attribute works as expected.


New in v0.12.2. dataclass kw_only class attribute works as expected.

class Foo:
    i: int
    s: str
    f: float
    b: bool

See examples/ for the complete example.

Attributes offered by pyserde


rename_all can converts field names into the specified string case. The following example converts camel case field names into snake case names. Case coversion depends on python-casefy. You can find the list of supported cases in the python-casefy's docs.

@serde(rename_all = 'camelcase')
class Foo:
    int_field: int
    str_field: str

f = Foo(int_field=10, str_field='foo')

"int_field" is converted to "intField" and "str_field" is converted to "strField".

{"intField": 10, "strField": "foo"}

NOTE: If rename_all class attribute and rename field attribute are used at the same time, rename will be prioritized.

@serde(rename_all = 'camelcase')
class Foo:
    int_field: int
    str_field: str = field(rename='str-field')

f = Foo(int_field=10, str_field='foo')

The above code prints

{"intField": 10, "str-field": "foo"}

See examples/ for the complete example.


New in v0.7.0. See Union.

class_serializer / class_deserializer

If you want to use a custom (de)serializer at class level, you can pass your (de)serializer object in class_serializer and class_deserializer class attributes. Class custom (de)serializer depends on a python library plum which allows multiple method overloading like C++. With plum, you can write robust custom (de)serializer in a quite neat way.

class MySerializer:
    def serialize(self, value: datetime) -> str:
        return value.strftime("%d/%m/%y")

class MyDeserializer:
    def deserialize(self, cls: Type[datetime], value: Any) -> datetime:
        return datetime.strptime(value, "%d/%m/%y")

@serde(class_serializer=MySerializer(), class_deserializer=MyDeserializer())
class Foo:
    v: datetime

One big difference from legacy serializer and deserializer is the fact that new class_serializer and class_deserializer are more deeply integrated at the pyserde's code generator level. You no longer need to handle Optional, List and Nested dataclass by yourself. Custom class (de)serializer will be used at all level of (de)serialization so you can extend pyserde to support third party types just like builtin types.


  • If both field and class serializer specified, field serializer is prioritized
  • If both legacy and new class serializer specified, new class serializer is prioritized

💡 Tip: If you implements multiple serialize methods, you will receive "Redefinition of unused serialize" warning from type checker. In such case, try using plum.overload and plum.dispatch to workaround it. See plum's documentation for more information.

from plum import dispatch, overload

class Serializer:
   # use @overload
   def serialize(self, value: int) -> Any:
       return str(value)

   # use @overload
   def serialize(self, value: float) -> Any:
       return int(value)

   # Add method time and make sure to add @dispatch. Plum will do all the magic to erase warnings from type checker.
   def serialize(self, value: Any) -> Any:

See examples/ for complete example.

New in v0.13.0.

serializer / deserializer

NOTE: Deprecated since v0.13.0. Consider using class_serializer and class_deserializer.

If you want to use a custom (de)serializer at class level, you can pass your (de)serializer methods n serializer and deserializer class attributes.

def serializer(cls, o):
    if cls is datetime:
        return o.strftime('%d/%m/%y')
        raise SerdeSkip()

def deserializer(cls, o):
    if cls is datetime:
        return datetime.strptime(o, '%d/%m/%y')
        raise SerdeSkip()

@serde(serializer=serializer, deserializer=deserializer)
class Foo:
    a: datetime

See examples/ for complete example.


New in v0.9.0. See Type Check.


New in v0.9.8. Since dataclasses.fields doesn't include a class variable 1, pyserde doesn't serialize class variable as default. This option allows a field of typing.ClassVar to be serialized.

class Foo:
    a: ClassVar[int] = 10

See examples/ for complete example.


New in v0.22.0, the deny_unknown_fields option in the pyserde decorator allows you to enforce strict field validation during deserialization. When this option is enabled, any fields in the input data that are not defined in the target class will cause deserialization to fail with a SerdeError.

Consider the following example:

class Foo:
    a: int
    b: str

With deny_unknown_fields=True, attempting to deserialize data containing fields beyond those defined (a and b in this case) will raise an error. For instance:

from_json(Foo, '{"a": 10, "b": "foo", "c": 100.0, "d": true}')

This will raise a SerdeError since fields c and d are not recognized members of Foo.

See examples/ for complete example.

Field Attributes

Field attributes are options to customize (de)serialization behaviour for a field of a dataclass.

Attributes offered by dataclasses

default / default_factory

default and default_factory work as expected. If a field has default or default_factory attribute, it behaves like an optional field. If the field is found in the data, the value is fetched from the data and set in the deserialized object. If the field is not found in the data, the specified default value is set in the deserialized object.

class Foo:
    a: int = 10
    b: int = field(default=10)  # same as field "a"
    c: dict[str, int] = field(default_factory=dict)

print(from_dict(Foo, {}))  # prints Foo(a=10, b=10, c={})

See examples/ for the complete example.


dataclasses.ClassVar is a class variable for the dataclasses. Since dataclass treats ClassVar as pseudo-field and dataclasses.field doesn't pick ClassVar, pyserde doesn't (de)serialize ClassVar fields as a default behaviour. If you want to serialize ClassVar fields, consider using serialize_class_var class attribute.

See examples/ for the complete example.

Attributes offered by pyserde

Field attributes can be specified through serde.field or dataclasses.field. We recommend to use serde.field because it's shorter and type check works. Here is an example specifying rename attribute in both serde.field and dataclasses.field.

class Foo:
    a: str = serde.field(rename="A")
    b: str = dataclasses.field(metadata={"serde_rename"="B"})


rename is used to rename field name during (de)serialization. This attribute is convenient when you want to use a python keyword in field name. For example, this code renames field name id to ID.

class Foo:
    id: int = field(rename="ID")

See examples/ for the complete example.


skip is used to skip (de)serialization of the field with this attribute.

class Resource:
    name: str
    hash: str
    metadata: dict[str, str] = field(default_factory=dict, skip=True)

See examples/ for the complete example.


skip is used to skip (de)serialization of the field if the predicate function returns True.

class World:
    buddy: str = field(default='', skip_if=lambda v: v == 'Pikachu')

See examples/ for the complete example.


skip is used to skip (de)serialization of the field if the field evaluates to False. For example, this code skip (de)serializing if enemies is empty.

class World:
    enemies: list[str] = field(default_factory=list, skip_if_false=True)

See examples/ for the complete example.


skip is used to skip (de)serialization of the field if the field is equivalent to its default value. For example, this code skip (de)serializing if town is Masara Town.

class World:
    town: str = field(default='Masara Town', skip_if_default=True)

See examples/ for the complete example.


You can set aliases for field names. Alias only works for deserialization.

class Foo:
    a: str = field(alias=["b", "c"])

Foo can be deserialized from either {"a": "..."}, {"b": "..."} or {"c": "..."}.

See examples/ for complete example.


Sometimes you want to customize (de)serializer for a particular field, such as

  • You want to serialize datetime into a different format
  • You want to serialize a type in a third party package

In the following example, field a is serialized into "2021-01-01T00:00:00" by the default serializer for datetime, whereas field b is serialized into "01/01/21" by the custom serializer.

class Foo:
    a: datetime
    b: datetime = field(serializer=lambda x: x.strftime('%d/%m/%y'), deserializer=lambda x: datetime.strptime(x, '%d/%m/%y'))

See examples/ for the complete example.


You can flatten the fields of the nested structure.

class Bar:
    c: float
    d: bool

class Foo:
    a: int
    b: str
    bar: Bar = field(flatten=True)

Bar's c, d fields are deserialized as if they are defined in Foo. So you will get {"a":10,"b":"foo","c":100.0,"d":true} if you serialize Foo into JSON.

See examples/ for complete example.

Union Representation

pyserde>=0.7 offers attributes to control how Union is (de)serialized. This concept is the very same as the one in serde-rs. Note these representations only apply to the dataclass, non dataclass objects are (de)serialized with Untagged always.


This is the default Union representation for pyserde<0.7. Given these dataclasses,

class Bar:
    b: int

class Baz:
    b: int

class Foo:
    a: Union[Bar, Baz]

Note that Bar and Baz have the same field name and type. If you serialize Foo(Baz(10)) into dict, you get {"a": {"b": 10}}. But if you deserialize {"a": {"b": 10}}, you get Foo(Bar(10)) instead of Foo(Baz(10)). This means pyserde can't correctly (de)serialize dataclasses of Union with Untagged. This is why pyserde offers other kinds of union representation options.


This is the default Union representation since 0.7. A class declaration with ExternalTagging looks like below. If you serialize Foo(Baz(10)) into dict, you get {"a": {"Baz": {"b": 10}}} and you can deserialize it back to Foo(Baz(10)).

class Foo:
    a: Union[Bar, Baz]

NOTE: Non dataclass objects are alreays (de)serialized with Untagged regardless of tagging attribute because there is no information which can be used for tag. The drawback of Untagged is pyserde can't correctly deserialize certain types. For example, Foo({1, 2, 3}) of below class is serialized into {"a": [1, 2, 3]}, but you get Foo([1, 2, 3]) by deserializing.

class Foo:
   a: Union[list[int], set[int]]


A class declaration with InternalTagging looks like below. If you serialize Foo(Baz(10)) into dict, you will get {"a": {"type": "Baz", "b": 10}} and you can deserialize it back to Foo(Baz(10)). type tag is encoded inside the Baz's dictionary.

class Foo:
    a: Union[Bar, Baz]


A class declaration with AdjacentTagging looks like below. If you serialize Foo(Baz(10)) into dict, you will get {"a": {"type": "Baz", "content": {"b": 10}}} and you can deserialize it back to Foo(Baz(10)). type tag is encoded inside Baz's dictionary and Bazs fields are encoded inside content.

@serde(tagging=AdjacentTagging("type", "content"))
class Foo:
    a: Union[Bar, Baz]

(de)serializing Union types directly

New in v0.12.0.

Passing Union types directly in (de)serialize APIs (e.g. to_json, from_json) was partially supported prior to v0.12, but the union type was always treated as untagged. Users had no way to change the union tagging. The following example code wasn't able to correctly deserialize into Bar due to untagged.

class Foo:
    a: int

class Bar:
    a: int

bar = Bar(10)
s = to_json(bar)
# prints {"a": 10}
print(from_json(Union[Foo, Bar], s))
# prints Foo(10)

Since v0.12.0, pyserde can handle union that's passed in (de)serialize APIs a bit nicely. The union type is treated as externally tagged as that is the default tagging in pyserde. So the above example can correctly (de)serialize as Bar.

class Foo:
    a: int

class Bar:
    a: int

bar = Bar(10)
s = to_json(bar, cls=Union[Foo, Bar])
# prints {"Bar" {"a": 10}}
print(from_json(Union[Foo, Bar], s))
# prints Bar(10)

Also you can change the tagging using serde.InternalTagging, serde.AdjacentTagging and serde.Untagged.

Now try to change the tagging for the above example. You need to pass a new argument cls in to_json. Also union class must be wrapped in either InternalTagging, AdjacentTaging or Untagged with required parameters.

  • InternalTagging
    from serde import InternalTagging
    s = to_json(bar, cls=InternalTagging("type", Union[Foo, Bar]))
    # prints {"type": "Bar", "a": 10}
    print(from_json(InternalTagging("type", Union[Foo, Bar]), s))
    # prints Bar(10)
  • AdjacentTagging
    from serde import AdjacentTagging
    s = to_json(bar, cls=AdjacentTagging("type", "content", Union[Foo, Bar]))
    # prints {"type": "Bar", "content": {"a": 10}}
    print(from_json(AdjacentTagging("type", "content", Union[Foo, Bar]), s))
    # prints Bar(10)
  • Untagged
    from serde import Untagged
    s = to_json(bar, cls=Untagged(Union[Foo, Bar]))
    # prints {"a": 10}
    print(from_json(Untagged(Union[Foo, Bar]), s))
    # prints Foo(10)

Type Checking

pyserde offers runtime type checking since v0.9. It was completely reworked at v0.14 using beartype and it became more sophisticated and reliable. It is highly recommended to enable type checking always as it helps writing type-safe and robust programs.


Strict type checking is to check every field value against the declared type during (de)serialization and object construction. This is the default type check mode since v0.14. What will happen with this mode is if you declare a class with @serde decorator without any class attributes, @serde(type_check=strict) is assumed and strict type checking is enabled.

class Foo:
    s: str

If you call Foo with wrong type of object,

foo = Foo(10)

you get an error

beartype.roar.BeartypeCallHintParamViolation: Method __main__.Foo.__init__() parameter s=10 violates type hint <class 'str'>, as int 10 not instance of str.

NOTE: beartype exception instead of SerdeError is raised from constructor because beartype does not provide post validation hook as of Feb. 2024.

similarly, if you call (de)serialize APIs with wrong type of object,


again you get an error

serde.compat.SerdeError: Method __main__.Foo.__init__() parameter s=10 violates type hint <class 'str'>, as int 10 not instance of str.

NOTE: There are several caveats regarding type checks by beartype.

  1. beartype can not validate on mutated properties

The following code mutates the property "s" at the bottom. beartype can not detect this case.

class Foo
    s: str

f = Foo("foo")
f.s = 100
  1. beartype can not validate every one of elements in containers. This is not a bug. This is desgin principle of beartype. See [Does beartype actually do anything?](].


Type coercing automatically converts a value into the declared type during (de)serialization. If the value is incompatible e.g. value is "foo" and type is int, pyserde raises an SerdeError.

class Foo
    s: str

foo = Foo(10)
# pyserde automatically coerce the int value 10 into "10".
# {"s": "10"} will be printed.


This is the default behavior until pyserde v0.8.3 and v0.9.x. No type coercion or checks are run. Even if a user puts a wrong value, pyserde doesn't complain anything.

class Foo
    s: str

foo = Foo(10)
# pyserde doesn't complain anything. {"s": 10} will be printed.

Extending pyserde

pyserde offers three ways to extend pyserde to support non builtin types.

Custom field (de)serializer

See custom field serializer.

💡 Tip: wrapping serde.field with your own field function makes

import serde

def field(*args, **kwargs):
    serde.field(*args, **kwargs, serializer=str)

class Foo:
    a: int = field(default=0)  # Configuring field serializer

Custom class (de)serializer

See custom class serializer.

Custom global (de)serializer

You apply the custom (de)serialization for entire codebase by registering class (de)serializer by add_serializer and add_deserializer. Registered class (de)serializers are stacked in pyserde's global space and automatically used for all the pyserde classes.

e.g. Implementing custom (de)serialization for datetime.timedelta using isodate package.

Here is the code of registering class (de)serializer for datetime.timedelta. This package is actually published in PyPI as pyserde-timedelta.

from datetime import timedelta
from plum import dispatch
from typing import Type, Any
import isodate
import serde

class Serializer:
    def serialize(self, value: timedelta) -> Any:
        return isodate.duration_isoformat(value)

class Deserializer:
    def deserialize(self, cls: Type[timedelta], value: Any) -> timedelta:
        return isodate.parse_duration(value)

def init() -> None:

Users of this package can reuse custom (de)serialization functionality for datetime.timedelta just by calling serde_timedelta.init().

import serde_timedelta
from serde import serde
from serde.json import to_json, from_json
from datetime import timedelta


class Foo:
    a: timedelta

f = Foo(timedelta(hours=10))
json = to_json(f)
print(from_json(Foo, json))

and you get datetime.timedelta to be serialized in ISO 8601 duration format!


💡 Tip: You can register as many class (de)serializer as you want. This means you can use as many pyserde extensions as you want. Registered (de)serializers are stacked in the memory. A (de)serializer can be overridden by another (de)serializer.

e.g. If you register 3 custom serializers in this order, the first serializer will completely overridden by the 3rd one. 2nd one works because it is implemented for a different type.

  1. Register Serializer for int
  2. Register Serializer for float
  3. Register Serializer for int

New in v0.13.0.


How can I see the code generated by pyserde?

pyserde provides inspect submodule that works as commandline:

python -m serde.inspect <PATH_TO_FILE> <CLASS>

e.g. in pyserde project

cd pyserde
poetry shell
python -m serde.inspect examples/ Foo


Loading simple.Foo from examples.


          Functions generated by pyserde
def to_iter(obj, reuse_instances=True, convert_sets=False):
    if reuse_instances is Ellipsis:
        reuse_instances = True
    if convert_sets is Ellipsis:
        convert_sets = False
    if not is_dataclass(obj):
        return copy.deepcopy(obj)

    Foo = serde_scope.types["Foo"]
    res = []
    return tuple(res)