Data Formats

pyserde supports several data formats for serialization and deserialization, including dict, tuple, JSON, YAML, TOML, MsgPack, and Pickle. Each API can take additional keyword arguments, which are forwarded to the underlying packages used by pyserde.

e.g. If you want to preserve the field order in YAML, you can pass sort_key=True in serde.yaml.to_yaml

serde.yaml.to_yaml(foo, sort_key=True)

sort_key=True will be passed in the yaml.safedump


>>> from serde import to_dict, from_dict

>>> to_dict(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))
from_dict(Foo, {"i": 10, "s": "foo", "f": 100.0, "b": True})

>>> from_dict(Foo, {"i": 10, "s": "foo", "f": 100.0, "b": True})
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.to_dict / serde.from_dict for more information.


>>> from serde import to_tuple, from_tuple

>>> to_tuple(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))
(10, 'foo', 100.0, True)

>>> from_tuple(Foo, (10, 'foo', 100.0, True))
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.to_tuple / serde.from_tuple for more information.


>>> from serde.json import to_json, from_json

>>> to_json(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))

>>> from_json(Foo, '{"i": 10, "s": "foo", "f": 100.0, "b": true}')
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.json.to_json / serde.json.from_json for more information.


>>> from serde.yaml import from_yaml, to_yaml

>>> to_yaml(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))
b: true
f: 100.0
i: 10
s: foo

>>> from_yaml(Foo, 'b: true\nf: 100.0\ni: 10\ns: foo')
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.yaml.to_yaml / serde.yaml.from_yaml for more information.


>>> from serde.toml import from_toml, to_toml

>>> to_toml(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))
i = 10
s = "foo"
f = 100.0
b = true

>>> from_toml(Foo, 'i = 10\ns = "foo"\nf = 100.0\nb = true')
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.toml.to_toml / serde.toml.from_toml for more information.


>>> from serde.msgpack import from_msgpack, to_msgpack

>>> to_msgpack(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))

>>> from_msgpack(Foo, b'\x84\xa1i\n\xa1s\xa3foo\xa1f\xcb@Y\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\xa1b\xc3')
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.msgpack.to_msgpack / serde.msgpack.from_msgpack for more information.


New in v0.9.6

>>> from serde.pickle import from_pickle, to_pickle

>>> to_pickle(Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True))

>>> from_pickle(Foo, b"\x80\x04\x95'\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00}\x94(\x8c\x01i\x94K\n\x8c\x01s\x94\x8c\x03foo\x94\x8c\x01f\x94G@Y\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x00\x8c\x01b\x94\x88u.")
Foo(i=10, s='foo', f=100.0, b=True)

See serde.pickle.to_pickle / serde.pickle.from_pickle for more information.

Needs a new data format support?

We don't plan to supprot a data format such as XML to keep pyserde as simple as possible. If you need a new data format support, we recommend to create a separate python package. If the data format is interchangable to dict or tuple, implementing the serialize/desrialize API is not that difficult. See YAML's implementation to know how to implement.